Cromarty Medical Practice, Allan Square, Cromarty, Highlands, IV11 8YF
Telephone: 01381 600224
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Addictions Counselling Inverness – Tel: 01463 220995 Email@
(for people affected by addiction and substance misuse)
Alcoholics Anonymous – 0800 9177 650 or
(daily meetings in Inverness area available)
Appointments – Raigmore appointments booking office – Tel: 01463 704000 (to find out about hospital appointments)
Befrienders Highland– (Mental Health Service – Tel: 01463 712791 – anyone who is 18yrs+ and has experienced mental ill health, is lonely or isolated and lives in the Highland or Argyll and Bute regions can be referred or refer themselves.) (Dementia – Tel: -1463 712791 – anyone who either has a diagnosis of dementia or has memory difficulties which may lead to dementia OR is a person who cares for someone with dementia and live in the Highland Council Region)
Bereavement Counselling – Cruse 0808 808 1677 (for bereavement support, counselling, education, advice and information)
Breast Screening – Tel: 01463 705416
Breathing Space – Tel: 0800 838587 or web (for those experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety)
Citizen’s Advice Bureau (CAB) – Tel: 01348 883 333 (for advice on benefits, housing, employment, debt and community care)
Cheerful Chesters – Address: Raigmore Community Centre, 125 Ashton Road, Inverness, IV2 3UY (to help people with severe respiratory problems through regular gentle exercise)
Corbett Centre – Tel: 01463 704040 Address: Coronation Road, Inverness (day service for adults with disabilities)
Crossreach Counselling– Tel: 01463 718069 Address: Cameron House, Culduthel Rd, Inverness IV2 4YG
Highland Crisis Accommodation – Tel: 01463 718693 (Emergency accommodation for homeless)
Highland Hospice – Tel: 01463 243132 (for adults with incurable life limiting disease, their relatives and carers)
Osprey House – Tel: 01463 716888 Address: Raigmore Avenue, Inverness (for those experiencing drug or alcohol related issues)
Patient Transport Service – Tel: 0300 123 1236 (transport to hospital can be booked up to 28 in advance)
Phoenix Centre – Tel: 01463 705597 Address: Raigmore Hospital, Inverness (child and adolescent mental health service)
Samaritans – Tel: 0330 094 5717 Address: 61-67 Tomnahurich St, Inverness IV3 5DT (talk to us any time you like, in your own way, and off the record – about whatever’s getting to you)
Sexual Health – Tel: 01463 888300 Address: Raigmore Hospital (for family planning, sexual health or contraception advice and services)
Smoking Cessation – Tel: 07794 167744 (Highland Smoking Cessation Service, or contact your local pharmacy)